Sessions and Voluntary Contributions

Sessions for 2025

Olive Phillips Kindergarten will be running two groups in 2025, one 4 year old group and one 3 year old group, both for 15 hours per week.

Tea Tree 3 Year Old Group**Extended Care - Unfunded8.30am - 4.00pm8.30am - 4.00pm
Banksia 4 Year Old Group**Extended Care - Unfunded8.30am - 4.00pm8.30am - 4.00pm

**The new timetable is in response to demand from the community and our families. On Monday, subject to interest from enrolling families, we will be offering a mixed aged class which will not be funded by the government kindergarten funding. We are currently working through the details including the cost for this but please get in contact if you would like to register your interest in attending this day. If you have any questions in relation to the new timetable, please get in contact.

Sessions for 2025

Olive Phillips Kindergarten will be running two groups in 2025, one 4 year old group and one 3 year old group, both for 15 hours per week.

Tea Tree 3 Year Old GroupBanksia 4 Year Old Group
Monday**Extended Care - Unfunded**Extended Care - Unfunded
Tuesday8.30am - 4.00pm
Wednesday8.30am - 4.00pm
Thursday8.30am - 4.00pm
Friday8.30am - 4.00pm

**The new timetable is in response to demand from the community and our families. On Monday, subject to interest from enrolling families, we will be offering a mixed aged class which will not be funded by the government kindergarten funding. We are currently working through the details including the cost for this but please get in contact if you would like to register your interest in attending this day. If you have any questions in relation to the new timetable, please get in contact.

Voluntary Contributions 2025

Olive Phillips is a participating kindergarten in the ‘Free Kinder’ program and receives extra funding of up to $2,500 per child based on the full 15-hour program. This is great in helping families have their children attend kindergarten at a further subsidised rate, but it unfortunately doesn’t equal what we need to continue to provide the high-quality educational experience we seek to deliver at OPK.

This includes a teaching program led by highly qualified Educators, bespoke learning facilities, and industry-leading curriculum. This high quality education comes at a cost per child that is higher than the increased government subsidy.

To enable OPK to continue to meet the high standards of our educational experience, we are asking for a Voluntary Contribution from all parents to bring our income in line with the expenditure but keep costs low for families. This Voluntary Contribution will be a once off amount of $500 per child that covers the full year.

Please note:

  • Children enrolling in the 3 year old program must turn three by 30th April in the year they attend. Due to staff: child regulations based on age, a child cannot commence at Olive Phillips Kindergarten until they have turned three years of age.
  • Children enrolled in 3 year old kindergarten in 2025 will not be able to repeat 3 year old kindergarten in 2026, due to funding conditions. Repeating 4 year old kindergarten is subject to an eligibility criteria and in instances where a child is assessed as having a developmental delay. Further information can be found on Bayside Councils website by clicking here.