The kindergarten is an Incorporated Association and the rules governing the Association are set out in the Constitution (copies are held in the office). A voluntary Committee of Management is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. All parents are eligible to vote and to stand for election.
The committee is responsible for the management of the kindergarten and undertakes this in close consultation with the Director. Specific responsibilities include: development of policies, managing the finances, employment of staff, liaison with government departments and Bayside City Council, and ensuring that the kindergarten is operated in accordance with government legislation, policy and best practice.
The committee meets monthly. It consists of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary and up to 8 other members. There are specific roles and responsibilities of the formal office bearers and of other support functions.
Participation in this way represents a wonderful opportunity to develop and maintain positive relationships with the teachers, the children and the community itself, and to influence the direction the kindergarten takes over time.