Please refer to the Bayside City Council website to register for a kindergarten place using the online registration form. Registrations take place in May and June. Offers are processed and allocated in July. Once you have accepted your offer with Bayside Council for a kindergarten place in 2025, finalise your enrolment by completing the following steps:
Step 1: A refundable $100 deposit is required to secure your place at Olive Phillips. You will receive an email with instructions for this when you have accepted your offer with Bayside Council. Please note, this deposit will be refunded on your child’s commencement, or you may wish to make a voluntary contribution to the kindergarten.
Step 2: An online enrolment form link which will be emailed to you. Please ensure you have included copies of all relevant paperwork including:
- Your child’s Birth Certificate
- Immunisation Record
- Copy of concession card (if applicable)
- Medical information and management plans (if applicable)
Step 3: Complete the online enrolment form and submit all relevant paperwork to Olive Phillips Kindergarten by the week beginning Monday 26th August.
For specific questions regarding Olive Phillip’s enrolment forms or required documentation please contact the Enrolments Officer via email.
The kindergarten seeks a voluntary contribution from parents at the beginning of Term 1 each year. This contribution allows OPK to maintain a high standard of excellence in our educational experience and assists the kindergarten in covering expenses not met by government funding. Please see Classes and Voluntary Contributions for more information.
Registrations for 2025 kindergarten places closed on 30th June 2024. Registrations and offers are managed through Bayside Council’s Central Registration and Enrolment Scheme. Please visit the Bayside Council kindergarten page for further information and instructions on how to enrol. Any questions regarding the registration and offers process should be directed to the Early Years Team at Bayside Council earlyyears@bayside.
Age Requirements
Please note all children enrolling in the 3 year old program must be 3 years of age by 30th of April in the year they start. Due to staff: child regulations based on age, a child cannot commence at the service until they have turned 3 years old. They are welcome to attend orientation days with a family member present.
All children enrolling in the four year old program must be 4 by the 30th April in the year they start 4 year old kindergarten. No child can turn 6 in the year they attend 4 year old kinder without a school exemption certificate. (Please speak with your child’s teacher about this).